Saturday, April 24, 2010


I know I haven't posted much lately. I think I prefer to write one bigger post once or twice a week instead of smaller ones everyday. This takes up less of my time and it should be more informative for my loyal viewers. With that, here are some upcoming events that I am looking forward to.

MNM olympics which will consist of events both in drinking, intelligence, and strength. We are going to play it in either teams or countries which will be a lot of fun.

Last full week of classes. No more homework will be a good thing, and only 3 finals this semester.

Next Saturday the half marathon. I've been slacking on running lately so hopefully I can still finish in under 2 hours.

Just a couple more weeks of school and then off to Italy!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

shower drain

I'm kind of scared to take showers now.

We have to share 1 shower between the 3 of us. Every time after someone uses it, there is one disturbing problem. Hair. I'm a fairly hairy guy, but it doesn't fall off of me when I'm in the shower. After my roommate takes a shower, there is a fur ball in the drain. I have come up with a couple of theories. 1) Our shower drain is alive and grows hair now. 2) He sacrifices squirrels in the shower (I have the most evidence for this one so far). or 3) he showers with a cat. It annoys me that the pipes have become so clogged that I am taking a bath now every time I want to take a shower. He doesn't even notice it either. We have tried leaving it there so that maybe he will notice its happening after he takes showers, but he just goes about business as if everything is hunky-dory. The worst part is when I have to clean it in order to take a shower. I have to wad up many many sheets of toilet paper and turn my head as I reach down to pick up the specimen. Many times I have gagged during the process. Delaying taking a shower until after Rick seems to be the only solution to that problem. I don't think I can ask him whats going on either. It would be kind of weird asking why he sheds like a grizzly bear. Anyways, thats what has been bothering me lately. I went to take a shower 30 minutes ago and the drain had an afro, it was disgusting.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010