Monday, March 15, 2010

sennheiser rules

For my business technical writing class, our second assignment of the semester was a direct request. This involved researching a company, its products, services, advertising, and target audience. Using that information, we had to leverage the company into sending us free stuff. I chose Sennheiser because they make quality headphones. Since I am running at least 3 times a week now, I figured it would be a good idea to ditch my shitty headphones that fall out of my ears. So I decided that Sennheiser's CX-380 sport headphones would be a great target to write for.

Well look what showed up in the mail today (3/15).

The letter was sent out on 3/1, so thats a pretty swift response considering I gave a deadline of 3/20. The only thing is that they sent me MX 75 sports because they were out of CX380. I'm not complaining though. In case you can't read the note that came with it says "Hi Sam- I'm all out of CX 380... I hope this does the trick. -E-". He wrote that on the back of a business card. Here is the letter:

According to both and sennheiser's website, this retails for $69.95. Sweet deal! Thanks Sennheiser! And to make it even better, I get an automatic A for the assignment, worth 20% of my semester grade.

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